7-12 Years and Young Adults

We have a wide variety of programs for youngsters between the ages of 7 and 12 and for adults. You can choose from pure gymnastics, including tumbling and trampoline, pure Ninja classes, or combination gymnastics and Ninja. We also have classes for specialized interests, such as classes for kids with an interest in acrobatic gymnastics, kids who are home schooled, and classes adapted for kids with atypical motor and cognitive development. Participants in the age range of 7-12 years are, for the most part, socialized for group dynamics and able to focus on increased physical challenges.

We also offer Adult Gym classes for the 16+ age group interested in learning gymnastics or honing existing skills.


For kids who enjoy the navigational challenges of Ninja obstacles, we offer a KidNinja program for kids aged 5-6 and YouthNinja for kids aged 7-9. These classes are a complement to our MiniNinja classes for kids aged 3-4 years. The sport of Ninja incorporates individual challenge and personal development that does not rely on group skills development. 

If choosing between gymnastics and Ninja is hard… we have combination Ninja and gymnastics classes! We offer KidCombo classes for kids aged 7-9 years and YouthCombo for kids aged 10-12 years. And for the younger folk, we have MiniCombo for kids aged 3-4 years.


GymKids Boys and GymKids Girls are junior gymnastics classes for kids aged 5+ years who are interested in basic gymnastics skills training and strength conditioning. Kids joining the class may have progressed from our Kinder Program, or they are joining gymnastics for the first time. GymYouth Girls is a gymnastics program for girls aged 8-12 years who may not have taken gymnastics previously but have an interest in the physical conditioning and skills training of gymnastics. Boys and girls progressing beyond our junior program may join our pre-competitive SuperKids and Rising Stars programs, or Men’s and Women’s  competitive programs if they demonstrate strong athleticism and a keen interest in gymnastics.

SuperKids & Rising Stars

Our SuperKids (boys’ gymnastics) and Rising Stars (girls’ gymnastics) are programs for kids 4+ years who demonstrate super keen interest in gymnastics and want increased training opportunities. These kids show advanced socialization skills and athletic ability. They may train between 2 and 6 hours a week. Some children have an interest in pursuing competition and others train for the pure enjoyment of advancing their skills. Joining these programs requires an initial assessment.

Contact us at info@segymnastique.ca to arrange an assessment.


Our TumblTrampKids (5-8 years) and TumblTrampYouth (9-12 years) are coed classes for those kids that love the joy of tumbling and jumping on a trampoline. These kids acquire spatial awareness as they develop core strength for safe jumping, landings, and round offs.

adult gym

If you’re over 16 and a former gymnast or someone new to gymnastics, we have Adult Gym classes to help you regain those lost skills or develop new ones. And as you are developing new skills, join us for Open Gym to practice.


We have adapted classes for children who are cognitively and/or physically challenged. Choose between adapted for atypical motor development and adapted for atypical neurological development.

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